I have had my placenta in the deep freeze for too long so before our trip I decided to get rid of it. My goal was to plant it beneath a fruit tree in the orchard up in Gualala but that's just not going to happen. We decided to plant a black mission fig tree in the front yard and I realized that'd be the perfect place to put the placenta.
I love the bag that the hospital staff put the placenta container into. It doesn't get more personal than this, folks.
It surprised me to see the cord still attached, which makes perfect sense.
Not wanting to shock the roots by the extreme cold of the frozen chunk of meat, I first defrosted it...in my microwave. (Hey, it's just meat.)
During one of Eddie's 2 hour nap I managed to plant the fig tree, plus a cherry and an apricot in the utility yard. My dad had done most of the work for the fig tree (digging the hole) the previous weekend when he was here...and just for fun we plopped Eddie into the hole for a cute picture. He loooooooooooooooves playing in the dirt!
Once he was up I took his picture next to "his" tree. It'll be fun to take and compare the pictures each spring to see how much each of them has grown.
"Is that my tree?"
I planted the rest of the bare soil in the raised bed with some "mostly native" seeds I found at the hardware store. By the time we got back from our trip they were germinating nicely. It looks like they are almost all California poppies...hopefully the other stuff pops out soon, too.
Great pictures of Eddie in the dug out hole! And I love the idea of taking a picture each year of Eddie next to his tree. What exactly is in the placenta that helps the tree? Is it like the ultimate fertilizer?
Fabulous idea, the boy-and-his-tree photos to chart their growth. That will be fun to follow. Also, there is a nice visual rhyming connecting the deep inky purple and fleshy form of a mission fig with the placenta at its roots....pure poetry, Julie!
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