
Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cross Your Fingers!

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

Dave has an interview tomorrow with an accounting firm right here in Davis. It is everything he's been hoping for (meaning that it is everything his current firm is NOT: it is in Davis, he can bike or walk there, it's a small firm, they have REGULAR working hours, it's a tax firm instead of out-of-town audits, etc.). Basically, it is the perfect, dream job for my dedicated, hardworking, overworked husband.

So... please keep us in your prayers tonight and tomorrow (if you're that sort of person) or do whatever little ritual you do when you want/need something to go well: keep your fingers crossed, do a little dance, knock on wood, whatever. (We'd both really appreciate it!)

Seriously, if he lands this job I just might burst with happiness! I don't know what I'd do if he were actually home for a 7pm dinner every night rather than, say, 11pm. And him not traveling to the boonies, leaving me at home alone for weeks at a time? Well, it'd be like I, married! =o) I love my hubby so much and I KNOW he deserves to work at a firm like this. They'd be silly not to hire him.

Ok, I should finish my foods homework so I can go to the all-you-can-eat sushi dinner I've arranged for my graduate group tonight. Bye!

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

my prayers usually work pretty good to i'll stick him in mine tonight. :) i can also cross my fingers, knock on wood, do a dance and sing a song. seriously.....i'm praying for you guys. i know this feeling all too well and know that the right thing happens at the right time. we're praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!