
Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Have you EVER seen such a cutie-pie pooch before?

Over the past few weeks I've been making an effort to go jogging every day and to go on a long walk with the dogs. It's as much for them as it is for me since we are all cooped-up indoors most of the day.

The first couple of nights Dave and I jogged around the park near our house a few times, logging in around 1/2 mile. Let me me tell you, that was enough for me. Then we'd take a nice long walk with the pooches (so my heart rate could come back to normal). It is well known that I hate excersizing as much as my sister-in-law, Bernie, hates cooking. And that's a LOT. But she and I both know that these things are good for us so we make an effort to do them without complaining (too much).

While we were in Georgia we ran through the corn fields a few of the mornings. Most mornings we were still so full of food from the night before that we'd just walk. It is tough to run through fields like that since the tractor trails are bumpy and muddy. My dog-niece would come with us and usually the clumsy but oh-so-cute Buttons (my cousins' all-muscle boxer). Emmy was quite concerned that I keep on track so she'd try her to best to herd me forward. Buttons, who definitely took the "short bus" to school (and probably fell off it), would run full speed into Emmy, trying to entice her to play. Emmy'd have nothing to do with that nonsense when there are humans around to be there's be a lot of yipping and nipping from her.

With Dave away working for his dad this week, I've been running around the local middle school track a few times either in the morning or in the evening. On Monday evening I ran around during a softball game. There were a few people watching the game from behind the chain link fence behind home base. On my first lap, they cooed at Ruby (who wouldn't?!). On my second lap a girl commented, "Geez, the dog is still running behind her. I wonder if she doesn't want to run anymore?" I chuckled as best I could between heavy breathing (I'm super out of shape...). Like Emmy, Ruby's instinct is to herd me no matter what. When I take her on leashed walks she usually walks behind me and it looks to most people like she's a reluctant dog. Let me assure you, she's not. She adores walks, but in her mind her job is to Watch Over Mama All The Time. Keep her on track, make sure she's always within sight, and growl at anyone--even Daddy--if they try to keep me away from Mama. It seriously cracks me up.

I wish the word "herding" didn't sound so much like "hurting." People at the park will ask me what Ruby is doing when she charges after a group of dogs or circles around a pack of kids. One of my biggest pet peeves is mumbling when you speak and I encourage enunciation. It is especially important when hollering out "Don't worry, my dog is nice. She's just trying to herd you." Many border collies will nip the heels of whatever they are herding if the animals don't respond the way they want. Luckily Ruby has only nipped my cousin once and never anyone at the park. We do keep a watchful eye since some overbearing parents could confuse nipping with rabid biting. And a law suit is the last thing I need right now. (I'm happy we live in Davis, which is known to be full of dogs and dog-lovers.)

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