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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Prayers for my Daddy

My daddy is at the hospital today having his skip-a-beat heart examined. The doctors are injecting it with dye so they can view the blood flow and beating muscle via MRI (I think that's what he said). The fix-it options so far are inserting a Chinese finger trap gizmo to open-up a constricted artery (if that is the problem), controlling the errant nerves with medicine, installing a pacemaker, or purposefully scarring the heart tissue to prevent the malfunctioning nerves from misfiring.

I hope hope hope it all goes okay and that whatever the problem is it can be fixed without major surgery. (And yes, Daddy, I know that "all surgery is major surgery.") But you know what I mean.

Please keep him in your prayers that everything goes okay this afternoon!

UPDATE: The dye procedure went just fine and took almost no time at all. In his words: "Well, I don't have a plumbing problem--what I have is an electrical problem." Leave it to my dad to diagnose himself as if he were a car. He said the doctor gave him a CD with pictures of his heart. I can't wait to see them! How cool is that? If he'll let me, I'll post one.

He'll go to an electrophysiologist in a few weeks to determine the problem. For now he's enjoying his hospital lunch and watching the wall-mounted TV.

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

Soo glad all went well!