When we bought the house the sellers put sod all over the yards to make the place look neat and tiddy. There weren't (and still aren't) any automatic sprinklers so watering was a pain. We didn't see the point in watering and mowing all the yards so we let the grass die after the first summer. Did you know that something like 30% of ALL residential water in the USA goes to watering lawns ALONE? That is just insane and irresponsible considering our farmers struggle to get enough water to grow our food crops. Huge lawns are okay if you live in a rains-throughout-the-year part of the country, but not in a temperate or desert climate.
This is what our side yard looked like before we bought the house (this is the yard that now has the shed in it):
First we used spray paint to delineate where we would remove the soil and where we would keep the soil. It was reassuring to see the pooches run around in the yard in the exact places we were planning on having the gravel paths!
Here you can see our spray paint lines:
Dave ran the equipment and I was in charge of directing him and cleaning up the edges with the shovel. Whoa, there was so much shoveling! My arms were sore for days afterward.
Having no where else to put the soil, we decided to just pile it up in the front yard on top of our pathetic lawn. Once we realized just how much there was, we made a snap decision to spread it out all over the front yard so we could basically raise the level of the entire yard. We also made a snap decision to just do away with all our lawn and just landscape the front around the eventual pathways we'll have there. (Installing new flagstone walkways and underground irrigation in the front yard will be our next outdoor project after Operation: Clean Paws is complete.)
Our front yard before the earth moving festivities began:
Here's another view of the pile o' dirt before we spread it out. And look at our driveway--all that mud the skidsteer tracked all over! After it rained a few days later I nearly fell on my face walking on the slick mud. A few minutes with a square-point shovel made it much safer:
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