The poor babe had to endure more immunizations and this time he didn't tolerate them as well. Nursing him right after getting poked only calmed him down a little bit. By 7pm that night he was inconsolable, I think because his little thigh was swollen and sore. Dave called the doctor to ask if we could give him some Motrin to ease his pain. So that was the first time Eddie had medicine.
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Monday, December 28, 2009
Four Month Check Up
I'm quite late posting this, but two weeks ago Eddie had his four month check up. He's grown in length and weight since his last appointment and his jaundice appears to be completely gone.
Dr. Moeller would like us to get another blood draw done so we can have a work-up against which to compare his previous blood work. Hopefully I'll be able to get it done this afternoon.
The poor babe had to endure more immunizations and this time he didn't tolerate them as well. Nursing him right after getting poked only calmed him down a little bit. By 7pm that night he was inconsolable, I think because his little thigh was swollen and sore. Dave called the doctor to ask if we could give him some Motrin to ease his pain. So that was the first time Eddie had medicine.
At birth, only his right testicle had descended. We've been waiting to see if the left one would come down on it's own, but since it hasn't he'll probably have to have surgery. First, though, he'll have a sonogram to determine if he even has another testicle. Since it hasn't come down yet he's already at a much higher risk for a certain type of testicular cancer. But if we never bring it down he's at a MUCH, much higher risk. Luckily this type of cancer is easy to treat and easy to find so hopefully with the right mentoring from his doctors it won't be a big problem.
The poor babe had to endure more immunizations and this time he didn't tolerate them as well. Nursing him right after getting poked only calmed him down a little bit. By 7pm that night he was inconsolable, I think because his little thigh was swollen and sore. Dave called the doctor to ask if we could give him some Motrin to ease his pain. So that was the first time Eddie had medicine.
Child rearing
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I bet when Eddie is 14 he's going to be super happy you posted this.
POor guy already has piwer drama
Glad the jaundice is finally gone. Too bad the wee one has wee wee woes — but happy they shouldn't be too serious.
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