My mom suggested that she and I take a train trip before my maternity leave is over at the end of the month. We figured this would be my last chance in a looooooooong time to ride the train. Soon enough Eddie will be crawling and before you know it we'll have more kids so it will become impossible to do.
We wanted a trip that would take only one night on the train and that ends in a city we'd like to visit. Seattle fit the bill. Neither of us had been there before and Edward's college friend lives there so we'd get to see a familiar face, too. My cousins live in nearby Tacoma, but with our short notice and holiday madness at work, we didn't end up getting to see them.
Our train was the Coast Starlight--one of Amtrak's flagship routes. The train was recently upgraded and is super fancy.
My mom sponsored the trip and spoiled us by getting the Edwards and I a deluxe sleeper room--two beds and a bathroom! She booked herself a roomette--just a bed--but they apparently upgraded her so she got the same type of room as we did. I loved being a "first class passenger" because the perks are great: champagne in our rooms, a private lounge and dining car, and meals included.
The next day we had a yummy breakfast in the dining car and then sat in the lounge chairs in the first class Parlour Car to see the pretty landscapes pass by. It was snowing outside by the time we made it to Klamath Falls, OR. We were at that stop for a long time because there was a medical emergency with one of the passengers, who was driven off in an ambulance. Then after we passed through a long tunnel near Crater Lake we got stuck because the front locomotive was damaged by some ice in the tunnel. The conductor announced that they would back us up to a part of the track where they could remove the locomotive and put it on the back of the train so it could be pulled along, but then they couldn't get the brakes to release. Yikes, at least we know the brakes were working!
So after a four hour delay we were on our way again. My mom signed up for a wine and cheese tasting, but I got to have the cheese because she's trying to cut back on salty foods.
We didn't arrive in Seattle until 1am. It was supposed to arrive around 9pm. Blah, so much for my efforts to keep Eddie's sleep schedule intact. By the time we got to the hotel that night his little system we out of whack so he only slept for about 3 hours. Ahhhhhhhhhh! I was SO freaking tired.
Since my mom and brother don't have a little person that dictates the amount of sleep they get, they were able to sleep in until about 10:30am. I was up at about 6:45am when my precious babe decided he was done sleeping for good. I packed us up and headed out to find a coffee shop.
That afternoon my mom and I ate the most expensive lunch EVER at the restaurant at the top of the Space Needle.
what a fun trip! we spent a few days in seattle last was quite nice. i loved the smells on every corner!
ummm....I don't think *I'VE* been in five different states, and I'm 72 times older than Eddie! glad you had so much fun.
The train trip looked like soooo much fun!!! I will have to suggest that to John for a future vacation :)
how fun!
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