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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

Just like last year, we were up in Gualala for the holiday weekend. We did so's the rundown:

1. Eddie and I got up to Gualala at 6pm on Friday and went to Pizzas and Cream with Dave. While our pizza was baking, Dave and Eddie walked to rent a movie (Did you hear about the Morgans?) and I got to enjoy a glass of wine while reading the paper...heavenly!2. Honey harvest on Saturday morning--119 quarts! I used the blower to blow all the bees out of the supers that Dave, his dad, another Dave (Allen), and Wally removed from the hives. The rest of the time I was in charge of prepping the frames by cleaning the excess wax off of them before handing them over to be decapped.3. Sunday Dave and I pressed apples for a cider trial run. The only ripe apples were Gravensteins (our favorites for apple sauce, pies, and eating). We got 4.5 gallons from 1.5 boxes--about an 80% return by weight Dave thinks. It was super delicious! We left one gallon for John to drink, canned 13 quarts, and 2 quarts are fermenting on the kitchen counter right now. It has only been 4 days and already the alcohol content is high enough that you can smell it!4. At John's behest, we made abalone and "green" pasta for dinner on Sunday night. My wrist STILL hurts from tenderizing it.

5. Monday morning we went blackberry picking with Michael. Dave carried Eddie in the pack and it was surprising how content he was. Eating about a gallon of blackberries didn't hurt...Ruby jumped into the back of the van...right into Mike's box of berries. Her paws were totally purple! We made me run along the dirt road outside the car for a few hundred feet before letting her in the car because we didn't want her to stain the seats.6. Eddie was exhausted and conked out so we let him nap in the car. Dave drove me out to the most recent logging site to show me the new roads they are building. It is such a turn on that hubbs is out there every day working on such big equipment--he literally moves mountains. =)

After that we went to the river so they dogs could rinse off and play.
7. Dave and I stayed at the Coast House, which was nice, except that Dave still had a cough so he slept downstairs so he wouldn't wake me up. The best part was that Eddie slept until after 7am every day!

8. Eddie and I ate at Trinks for breakfast before leaving on Tuesday morning--we ordered the griddler combo (2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, and 1 huge pancake) and it wasn't enough for both of us so we also had to order a scone to go. Eddie ate about 80% of the food! Once his teeth finally poke through his tender gums and he's no longer Mr. Crankipants his appetite is intense!

9. Mike, Bernie, and Zennie were up there for the weekend, too, and it was so nice to have everyone together. It was really nice and we all had a great time! I looooooooooooooooved holding Zennie whenever I could and Eddie and Bernie played a lot together, too.


Kelly said...

Man, sounds like you guys were busy! I love the pic of Ruby sitting in the berries - silly girl :D

Leah said...

Love the carseat pic - he looks whooped! Fun weekend!

Leah said...

And Eddie's hair is SO light! So is Charlie's right now, guess that happens when we spend as much time outside as we do with these boys.